
the oolong projecti haven't really touched my website in a long time. there are cobwebs in the corners, and i'm not even sure i remember how jekyll works anymore. December 26, 2023 projects oolong

weeknotes, maybei'm going to copy anh — i've been thinking about weeknotes lately, and about why i don't write here very often, and about how i could change that. November 10, 2023 weeknotes

collecting every piece of armor in botwi've been in a big breath of the wild mood this week—maybe because tears of the kingdom is coming out in a month, or maybe just because i haven't played it in a while & missed it. April 7, 2023 video game diaries botw

opening maili really like saving up a bunch of mail for a bit to open all at once — not like, bills or other time-sensitive things, but fun mail. January 6, 2023

hello i'm back at workit's a thursday, but it feels like a monday. i've got a full slack inbox & and an empty new hobonichi, ready to scribble in with my also-new pens. January 5, 2023

i got some penshappy sunday. i got some new toys :) November 27, 2022 toys

good morninghi i guess. it's been a while since i did any kind of blogging—i don't really know how to begin. November 18, 2022